Swansfield News: 12/17/2021

Swansfield Elementary School
  Swansfield News 12.17.21


Important Dates

  • December 23 - December 31: Schools Closed - Winter Break
  • January 3, 2022:  Students return to school!
  • January 19, 2022:  PTA General Membership Meeting


Message to our #SwanFamily

It’s difficult to believe Winter Break begins next week and the New Year is almost upon us.  Traditionally, we usher in 2022 with resolutions and the hope that better days will come in the new year, much like we experienced in August when we returned to begin a new school year. We have truly enjoyed and celebrated many great successes, recognizing this roller coaster we have all been riding has provided some scary moments as well as those filled with life-affirming, exuberant joy.  

These past few weeks have been especially difficult as we have seen another rise in the number of COVID cases that have affected many here at home and across the world.  We continue to be grateful for your commitment to safety and understanding that we must work together to ensure that we have the best possible response as new developments unfold. We understand the concern, the frustration, and the whole mixed bag of emotions that come with this situation.  We want nothing more than to continue to work together with your children to serve them and help them grow in their learning and social/emotional well-being.  As we’ve realized more than ever, forging strong relationships between our school staff and our school community is paramount to realizing our best selves.  We’ve seen this demonstrated over and over these past few months.

Words cannot begin to convey how much we truly appreciate and value our relationship with all of you.  Your support as parents, as members of our outstanding PTA, and as neighbors of this school community is vital to our school.  Our staff works tirelessly to do their best for our students and they continue to rise to the challenges they face in their pursuit of excellence.  

We continue to practice gratitude daily for all these blessings, and hope that your families find time to celebrate among yourselves and enjoy some peace and quiet together.  Until next year….


New Information


Restorative Justice Opportunities

As we look ahead to the New Year, our Restorative Justice team at Swansfield staff is excited to share two opportunities with you.  

  1. We will be offering all parents and staff the opportunity to participate in a Restorative Justice peacemaking circle together.  The circle will take place on February 9th at 6:30pm and childcare will be provided.
  2. We will be offering a three session book club beginning on February 8th.  Members of our Restorative Justice will facilitate the book club.  Please view the SES Stamped Book Club Flier for more information about the book.  

If you are interested in participating in either of these events, please sign up HERE.  



Staff and Students in our BRIDGES after school program want to extend a huge Thank you to our SES community, staff, and students for contributing to our “We Scare Hunger” Food Drive Campaign. We collected 602 non-perishable items surpassing our initial goal of 250 items. Thank you all for helping us to meet our We.org community service learning project goal for Bridges!





HCPSS is working with the Howard County Health Department and several local pharmacies, to provide students ages 5-11 the opportunity to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.  Information about upcoming clinics is available on the HCPSS website and will be updated as new clinics are added. Vaccination remains the most effective strategy to save lives and end this pandemic so I encourage you to make an appointment for your child if you have not already done so.


Academic Calendar Updates

The Board of Education has recently approved a modification to the academic calendar which has created several 3-hour early dismissals for students. See link Details are available online


Swansfield Wish Lists

We will continue to update our wish lists throughout the school year.  

Student Lounge Wish List

Classroom Wish List


PTA Updates


Staff Favorite Things List: Fall 2021 Edition

Families have expressed a strong interest in treating the hardworking Swansfield Elementary staff members to something that is specifically for them to enjoy. In furtherance of that, the PTA provided all staff members with an opportunity to answer some questions about their favorite things. The full list can be found here.

There is neither an obligation or expectation that Swansfield Families give gifts to staff members. However, we know that many families like to do this and our hope is that those who are interested will find the list helpful. 

This is not directly related to the holiday season. The favorite things list can serve as a reference anytime throughout the school year. 


PTA National School of Excellence: STAFF & FAMILIES NEEDED

In furtherance of the PTA’s goal for Swansfield to receive the National School of Excellence designation, volunteers are needed across the community, including staff and teachers, to build an action plan for school improvement. 

Throughout the school year, our School of Excellence Committee will use the tools, resources and support provided by National PTA to positively impact family engagement at Swansfield. 

If you are interested in being part of the School of Excellence committee, please email Lizz Hammon (vp.schoolrelation@swansfieldpta.org)


Save the Date! International Night is January 26th


PTA Volunteer Opportunities

The following PTA committees could REALLY use some more volunteers! If you’re interested, please email Lizz Hammon, PTA VP for School Relations.  (vp.schoolrelations@swansfieldpta.org)

  • Yearbook ‘Candid’ Photographers
    • This could be anybody! Anytime throughout the school year - take photos at Swansfield events or activities and upload them here
  • Black History Event Chair - February 16th
    • This committee already has 2 members to help with planning and 2 sets of extra hands ready to provide support during the event. 
    • What is the event? We were hoping you would tell us! Got any ideas? 
  • National School of Excellence Committee
    • See above

Connect with Us:


5610 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044









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