Swansfield News: 12/3/2021

Swansfield Elementary School

Swansfield News 12.3.21

Important Dates

  • December 6-10: Inclusive Schools Week
  • December 10th: Success Factor Day 
  • December 15: Schools Close 3 hours early - No 1/2 day PreK/RECC

New Information

Accessing MAP Reports 

Parents now have the ability to access their child’s MAP Report. If you need assistance accessing the report follow the directions on the following link:  https://help.hcpss.org/grades-testing/fall-2020-MAP-scores 

Success Factor Day - December 10th

Swansfield students and staff will celebrate our second success factor, Self-Control, on Friday, December 10th.  We would like all students to wear their “Be Kind Crew” T-Shirts to school for this celebration. 

From The Healthroom

Hearing and Vision Clinic, December 7th!

The Hearing and Vision Clinic will be held on December 7th, with a follow up visit on December 16th. Kindergarteners, First grade students, new students to the state of MD and staff referrals will be screened. Parents may ONLY opt out of this screening for religious reasons.  Additional communication will be sent home in your child's FISH folder.

Covid-19 Vaccination and Immunization Records

Once your child has been fully vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine, please share a copy of the vaccination card with the health room. This can be done via email or hard copy.  Your child will be considered fully vaccinated after 14 days from the second dose. This will help us to properly identify close contacts when necessary.


Swansfield Wish Lists

We will continue to update our wish lists throughout the school year.  

Student Lounge Wish List

Classroom Wish List


PTA Updates

Staff Favorite Things List: Fall 2021 Edition

Families have expressed a strong interest in treating the hardworking Swansfield Elementary staff members to something that is specifically for them to enjoy. In furtherance of that, the PTA provided all staff members with an opportunity to answer some questions about their favorite things. The full list can be found here.

There is neither an obligation nor expectation that Swansfield Families give gifts to staff members. However, we know that many families like to do this and our hope is that those who are interested will find the list helpful. 

This is not directly related to the holiday season. The favorite things list can serve as a reference anytime throughout the school year. 

PTA National School of Excellence: STAFF & FAMILIES NEEDED

In furtherance of the PTA’s goal for Swansfield to receive the National School of Excellence designation, volunteers are needed across the community, including staff and teachers, to build an action plan for school improvement. 

Throughout the school year, our School of Excellence Committee will use the tools, resources and support provided by National PTA to positively impact family engagement at Swansfield.

If you are interested in being part of the School of Excellence committee, please email Lizz Hammon (vp.schoolrelation@swansfieldpta.org)

PTA Volunteer Opportunities

The following PTA committees could REALLY use some more volunteers! If you’re interested, please email Lizz Hammon, PTA VP for School Relations vp.schoolrelations@swansfieldpta.org 

  •  Yearbook ‘Candid’ Photographers
    • This could be anybody! Anytime throughout the school year - take photos at Swansfield events or activities and upload them here
  • Black History Event Chair - February 16th
    • This committee already has 2 members to help with planning and 2 sets of extra hands ready to provide support during the event. 
    • What is the event? We were hoping you would tell us! Got any ideas?             
  • National School of Excellence Committee 
    • See above 








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5610 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044









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