Swansfield News 2.23.24
Good Afternoon Swansfield,
I hope this communication finds you well. We had a wonderful Title I Family Night: Black History Trivia on Thursday. Thank you to the families that attended. It was an amazing evening full of delicious soul food, games, laughs, fun, and the students and staff learned some important history. A special shout out to Mr. Carter, Ms. Wilkins, & Mrs. Haas for planning the evening and to all the staff that supported the event.
In addition, I want to acknowledge our students that presented their Unheard Perspectives projects to the school on Thursday. I speak on behalf of the entire staff and community when I say we were blown away by your depth of knowledge. Good luck to Leighton Hubard, Shira Goldberg, Ssuubi Nsereko, Seth Goldberg, & Emmanuel Kumchu presenting this weekend at the county level Unheard Perspectives showcase at Hammond Middle School.
Have a great weekend! ~ Anthony J Esposito, Principal
Important Dates
- March 1: 5th Grade Baby Pictures Due (upload for SES Yearbook - see details below)
- March 8th - Empathy Day
- March 13th - 3 Hour Early Dismissal
- March 14th - Grade 4 Title I Family Night
- March 25th - April 1st - Spring Break
New Information
Save the Date! 4th Grade Family Night March 14th
On Thursday, March 14th at 5:30-7:30 PM, the 4th grade teachers will host a family night! During this family night, you will have an opportunity to learn about both math and reading curriculum. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:00. Child care for siblings will be provided. More information and an RSVP form will be coming out soon. Please mark your calendar for 3/14. We look forward to seeing you there!
After School Enrichment Sign Up
The Bridges program has partnered with the school to offer additional after school opportunities to students who are not already enrolled in the Bridges program.
On Tuesdays starting 3/5 we will be offering a 6 week session with 1 enrichment for students in 2nd- 5th grade. Session dates- 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 4/2, 4/9, and 4/16. (No session held on 3/26 due to Spring Break)
On Wednesdays starting 3/6 we will be offering a 4 week session with 1 enrichment for students in 2nd- 5th grade. Session dates- 3/6, 3/20, 4/3 and 4/17. (No sessions held on 3/13 due to a 3 hour early dismissal day and 4/10 due to no school.)
If you are interested in any of these enrichments, please sign up using the link below.
SES Bridges Enrichment Program Sign Up Session 4
- There is no cost for this program and no transportation will be provided.
- All students must be picked up by 5pm.
- Students must submit this registration form between February 23rd- February 28th.
- Students can only be considered for one program per day.
- Participants will be selected by a lottery at the close of the registration period.
- Participants will be notified on or before March 1st of their registration status.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Berry at jamie_berry@hcpss.org.
The Wilde Lake Band Boosters
Friday, March 1, the Wilde Lake Band Boosters will host a Community Bingo - open to ALL Ages from 6-9 pm in the WLHS School Cafeteria (Doors open at 5 pm)
Please join us for a night of family fun and socializing. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased at the door or online ($3 discount for pre-ordering) at http://bit.ly/WLBingo24
Prizes from the Ravens, Orioles, Merriweather, Bowie Baysox, Downtown Columbia Partnership, Yama Sushi, The Charmery, Giant Food, Autostream, Wawa, Bro Box, Giant, Victory Nails and more.
Food, Drinks, and Desserts will be served as well as entertainment by the WLHS Jazz Ensemble. All proceeds will go towards the WLHS Bands, Ensembles, and Color Guard.WLHS_Bingo.png
Life Elite Athletics AAU Basketball Tryouts
We are an organization that creates opportunities for youth and young adults to achieve their dreams by providing them with resources, instilling work ethic, and building the confidence needed to be successful adults.
Teaching the game of basketball is an avenue used to achieve said goals. We believe in using basketball as a tool to prepare the players for real life; by instilling discipline, dedication, teamwork, leadership to name a few. In addition, we work on the fundamentals of basketball and enhance the basketball IQ of each player. Lastly, we aim to win, to build confidence in our kids, and learn from losses. Please see the link for further details.
PTA News
- March 1: 5th Grade Baby Pictures Due
- April 12: Family Culture Night
We are excited to partner with Original Works for an art-based fundraiser! Each student created a piece of artwork at school that you then can have reproduced onto a variety of keepsake products. The products range from magnets to mugs and start at just $6.00.
Art will come home at the beginning of March and orders will be due March 16th. Proceeds will help fund PTA sponsored events such as the StepAfrika and Reptile World in-school assemblies. For more information on Original Works please visit their website at www.originalworks.com. Thank you for supporting this unique and creative program!
Plan to join us at SES on Friday, April 12 for a family-friendly evening of cultural displays, performances, activities, and snacks! Stay tuned for more information and volunteer signups! Questions? Contact corresponding@swansfieldpta.org
The first-ever SES Fun Run will be held at the school on Saturday, April 27! The P.E. department and PTA are hosting a morning full of activities, including the one-mile Fun Run course, to raise funds for SES Field Day and P.E. equipment, and for playground/blacktop refurbishment. The event is beginner-friendly (walkers and runners welcome) and open to students, families and the community. Stay tuned for details and registration information. Interested in volunteering? Contact recording@swansfieldpta.org
The HCPSS Board of Education holds public hearings to gather feedback on and revise the operating budget. We hope you will join other Swansfield parents at these hearings to ensure that Swansfield’s needs are in the minds of the decision makers. Sign up to participate using this Sign Up Genius to ensure SES is represented (and allow us to know who to look for at the upcoming meetings - we will try to sit together)! If you have Swansfield colors or spirit wear, please come in your SES gear!
If you are interested in making your voice heard, you can sign up to testify at the Board of Education meeting on February 26: Public Participation in the Meetings of the Board of Education – HCPSS
For those testifying on the 26th, we will hold an optional virtual practice session on February 21 to provide an opportunity for practice and feedback from community members with experience testifying to the BOE.
Budget Testimony Practice Session
Wednesday, February 21 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vpi-jgpe-dxp
Or dial: (US) +1 601-589-1191 PIN: 389 984 607#
Yearbooks are now on sale! Place your order by visiting YBPay.com - YBPay.lifetouch.com The Swansfield Yearbook ID code is 15120324. You will be prompted to enter the name and grade of your student. Once the yearbook quantity is selected, you will have the option to participate in the Yearbook donation program which will help ensure that all graduating 5th graders get a Yearbook. If you have any questions, reach out to yearbook@swansfieldpta.org or membership@swansfieldpta.org .
If you have a 5th grade student, we need you to submit a baby picture of your student for the Yearbook by March 1! Please email your photo with your student’s name to membership@swansfieldpta.org.
Connect with Us:

5610 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044

