Ensuring the safety and well being of students at Swansfield is our number one priority. This starts at the beginning of the day when students are dropped off and picked up daily in a safe and organized manner. We are reminding everyone to follow the pick-up and drop-off procedures. Failure to do so can create unsafe conditions for our students, parents, and staff.
Student Arrival
8:25 am: Staff will be outside to supervise students. NO students should arrive before 8:25 am. (This does not apply to students who take part in early morning special programs.)
8:30 am: Students may enter the building.
8:45 am: The late bell rings and the student day begins.
Directions from Cedar Lane:
1. Turn right onto Little Patuxent Parkway.
2. Turn right on Billingsgate Row.
3. Turn left onto Swansfield Road.
4. Turn right onto Rock Coast Road.
5. Turn right into the car loop.
3:05 pm: Instruction Ends/ Dismissal begins for our Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students.
3:10 pm Dismissal begins for 2nd - 5th Grade Walkers, Car Riders and After-Care & Bus Riders
It is extremely important, for the safety our staff and families, that everyone use the crosswalk or bridge when crossing the street. It is important that we model safe practices for our students.