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Carloop Procedures
Car Loop Procedures
- Car riders can be dropped off at the car loop which is located on the side of the school (Rock Coast Road) from 8:25 am - 8:40 am. We will have staff along the sidewalk to monitor student arrival.
SES Car Loop Procedures.pdf
- During morning arrival, the bus loop is reserved for buses and student drop-off services only, between 8:20 am and 8:40 am. Cars cannot enter the bus loop during this time. Once all the buses have arrived, cars will be permitted to enter the bus loop.
Alternate Drop-Off Options
- The option to park your car across the street in the Swansfield Mini Waterpark parking lot and walk your child across the street utilizing the bridge is also available.
- Please do not stop your vehicle along Cedar Lane or Rock Coast Road during morning drop off or dismissal. This is extremely dangerous, and impedes the flow of traffic for buses and the community.