Swansfield News: 11/19/2021

Swansfield Elementary School
  Swansfield News 11.19.21

Important Dates


  • November 22nd - Schools Close Early/Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences

  • November 23rd - Schools Close Early/Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences

  • November 24th - 26th - Schools Closed


New Information


Virtual Parent/Teacher Conference Support

Parent teacher conferences will be held on Monday, November 22nd and Tuesday, November 23rd.  If you need assistance finding the code for your child’s conference, please log on to SES-Conference-Support using your child’s login credentials and a staff member will be available to assist you.  


From the Healthroom 

Please see information below for vaccination locations for children ages 5-11.


St John Baptist Church

9055 Tamar Dr., Columbia, MD 21045


Tuesday - Friday

11:00a - 6:00p


9:00a - 4:00p

(Pfizer 5-11)

No registration required

(Vaccination by FirstCall Urgent Care

Call 410-730-3399 to confirm availability

More information

The Hearing and Vision Clinic will be held on December 7th, with a follow up visit on December 16th.  Kindergarten students, First Grade students, new students to the state of MD and staff referrals will be screened.  Parents may ONLY opt out of this screening for religious reasons.  Additional communication will be sent home in your child's FISH folder.


October 26th Picture Day Update

Strawbridge Studio is working as quickly as possible to turn around the fall portrait packages. They are expected to be delivered by November 30th.   

Retake Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, December 3rd.  This is for new students, students that were absent on our original picture day or anyone that may have been dissatisfied with their portraits from the original photo session.  The students requesting a retake need to bring the original package to the photographer for their portrait to be retaken. 


Lost & Found

All items not claimed from lost and found by Tuesday, November 23rd will be donated to a charity when we return from Thanksgiving Break.  If your child is missing an item of clothing or lunch box, please encourage them to check the lost and found area in the cafeteria.   


From Your Title I Team


Parent Teacher Conferences

We’re looking forward to seeing parents at conferences on November 22 and 23. Here are some tips for your conference: Preparing for Elementary Conferences. Every year at parent teacher conferences Title I schools share their Compacts and Calendars with families. You can learn more about Title I and view Swansfield’s Compact and Calendar here: https://ses.hcpss.org/about/title-i-program


Math & Literacy Night

Families of students in grades 2-5, please join us virtually for our first family night of the year! SES.Math&LiteracyNight.RSVP.Flier.pdf


Interested in attending? Please click on the link below to RSVP so we can send home your games and materials. https://forms.gle/Jmawizcx22jcwaua8




School Climate Survey

Parents have until Tuesday, November 30th, to provide valued input to our school staff by completing a 15-minute survey developed by the Excellence with Integrity Institute.   All families who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a FREE gift card!  More information about the survey can be found here. After completing the survey, please email Patricia Bratchie at patricia_bratchie@hcpss.org and let her know or submit your name HERE.

Survey Link: https://www.research.net/r/ceea-parent

Survey ID: Swan45 


Scholastic Book Fair

The Swansfield Elementary School Book Fair will continue to run until Sunday, November 21st. You can shop the book fair from the comfort of your own home! All funds raised go toward purchasing books and other items that will enhance your child’s experiences here at Swansfield. Thank you so much for your support of our Library Media Program!


Swansfield Wish Lists

We will continue to update our wish lists throughout the school year.  

Student Lounge Wish List

Classroom Wish List


PTA Updates


Staff Favorite Things List: Fall 2021 Edition

Families have expressed a strong interest in treating the hardworking Swansfield Elementary staff members to something that is specifically for them to enjoy. In furtherance of that, the

PTA provided all staff members with an opportunity to answer some questions about their favorite things. The full list can be found here.


There is neither an obligation or expectation that Swansfield Families give gifts to staff members. However, we know that many families like to do this and our hope is that those who are interested will find the list helpful. This is not directly related to the holiday season. The favorite things list can serve as a reference anytime throughout the school year. 


National PTA Reflections Art Contest 

Swansfield students in PreK-5th grade will have an opportunity to create an original piece of art for the National PTA Reflections art contest!  Students can compete in one of 6 categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts.  Top entries from Swansfield will advance to a county-wide competition.  Entries are due November 29. More information can be found on the SES PTA Reflections website


Original Works Fundraiser coming soon!

Support Swansfield by turning your child's artistic masterpiece into keepsakes for family and friends! The Swans are hard at work creating beautiful art that you can have made into mugs,totes, magnets and more! Look out for custom order forms in your child's FISH folder. Orders will be due on December 1st and items will be delivered to Swansfield just before winter break. Check out the PTA Website for more information. Questions? Email Angela McMellen Brannigan  mcmellen@gmail.com


PTA National School of Excellence: STAFF & FAMILIES NEEDED

In furtherance of the PTA’s goal for Swansfield to receive the National School of Excellence designation. Volunteers are needed across the community, including staff and teachers, to build an action plan for school improvement. 


Throughout the school year, our School of Excellence Committee will use the tools, resources and support provided by National PTA to positively impact family engagement at Swansfield. If you are interested in being part of the School of Excellence committee, please email Lizz Hammon vp.schoolrelation@swansfieldpta.org


PTA Volunteer Opportunities

The following PTA committees could REALLY use some more volunteers! If you’re interested, please email Lizz Hammon,PTA VP for School Relations at  vp.schoolrelations@swansfieldpta.org  


  • Yearbook ‘Candid’ Photographers

    • This could be anybody! Anytime throughout the school year - take photos at Swansfield events or activities and upload them here.

  • Black History Event Chair - February 16th

    • This committee already has 2 members to help with planning and 2 sets of extra hands ready to provide support during the event. 

  • What is the event? We were hoping you would tell us! Got any ideas?         

  • National School of Excellence Committee 

    • See above 


Connect with Us:


5610 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044





