Good Afternoon Swansfield,
I hope this communication finds you well. Today, I would like to highlight two items from the week.
On Wednesday evening our PTA met for the last time this school year. The new executive board for 2024-2026 was voted in. I want to congratulate and thank the community members that agreed to serve on the executive board for the next two years. I also want to thank our current PTA president, Becky McGill Wilkinson who will end her term as president at the end of the school year. Becky has been a source of consistency, flexibility, and positivity throughout her tenure as PTA president. I have learned a great deal from her and will miss working alongside her each day.
Thank you to the 105 volunteers that helped support our Field Day this week. Mr. Berry & Mrs. Nash led an amazing day for our students. We appreciate your dedication to the SES community.
Have a great weekend! ~ Anthony J Esposito, Principal
Important Dates
- May 27th - Off
- May 30th - Evening with the Stars @ 6:30
- June 7th - PTA End of Year Picnic
- June 10th - Grade 5 Promotion Ceremony @ 6:30
New Information
Thank You, Field Day Volunteers!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the amazing volunteers who helped make this year's Field Day a tremendous success! Your dedication and enthusiasm ensured a fun and memorable experience for our students. We couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much for your continued support to the students at Swansfield! We also want to thank The Beth Viscarra Team for sponsoring the delicious luncheon from Charter Deli!
Nex - Trex Plastic Challenge Update
SES's green team, the Green Beanz, have been busy collecting plastic bags for recycling in an effort to win a Trex bench for our school grounds. In order to win a bench the Green Beanz need to collect 1000 lbs of plastic! So far they have collected 962 pounds! Only 38 pounds to go!!!!! Thank you to those who have donated plastic bags this year. The Green Beanz would like to give a HUGE shout out to Roberta Breslow who has dropped off the plastic bags the Green Beanz have collected and weighed each week to local grocery stores who have partnered with Nex Trex! Keep those plastic bags coming, and thanks for helping the GreenBeanz be great junior environmentalists!!
Please Take Our SES Parent Involvement Input Survey
SES Parents and Guardians,
Please take 5 minutes to complete our 2023-2024 Parent Involvement Input Survey (English) regarding school improvement, climate, and family engagement.
Swansfield ES is a Title I school, and parent involvement is a critical component of our Title I goals. We value your input and partnership in supporting the academic success of your child, and will use your survey responses to evaluate our Title I program so that we can better serve you.
Spanish Survey: Encuesta de Opinión de la Escuela Primaria Swansfield sobre la Participación de Padres
Howard County Public Schools’ Title I Office receives Title I funds to provide additional support and resources to Title I Schools. The Title I Office supports family engagement through the implementation of its Parent, Family, and Community Involvement Plan and by providing schools with funds to support family engagement. Please take a moment to complete the HCPSS Title I Parent, Family, and Community Involvement Input Survey, providing feedback on the district's Parent, Family, and Community Involvement Plan and parent involvement funds.
The Mobile Dental Clinic
The Mobile Dental Clinic will be visiting Swansfield again on June 6th, 2024. The registration forms will go home this week or the following, with the Friday folders. Alternatively, you can register online at Please remember that this clinic is primarily for those students who do NOT routinely get seen at their dentist.
Learning Together Program – Preschool
The Swansfield Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) prekindergarten programs are making preparations for classes for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. These classes include children with and without disabilities. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills. Parents of children who will be 3 by September 1st may request an application in the front office or electronically by emailing or (410) 313-6907.
MCAP Dates
Grade 3:
- Math - May 24, 28, 29, 30 (9:00 - 10:00)
Grade 4:
- Math - May 20, 21, 22, 23 (9:00 - 10:00)
Grade 5:
- Math - May 20, 21, 22, 23 (10:00 - 11:00)
It is important that students arrive at school on time each testing day. Please avoid scheduling vacations or appointments on testing days.
Please contact Mrs. Madden ( or Mr. Carter ( with any questions about the MCAP assessment.
To learn more about Spring Assessments and MCAP please visit HCPSS Testing FAQ located on the HCPSS website.
2024-2025 Prekindergarten
HCPSS offers high-quality half-day and full-day prekindergarten programs. Students must be four years old by September 1, 2024 to be considered for enrollment in the 2024-2025 school year. The comprehensive curriculum taught by certified staff supports early learning and school readiness and provides experiences that foster children’s academic, social, emotional and physical development.
Applications are available online or at the school:
Celebrate the end of the school year with a picnic at SES on Friday, June 7, 6 - 8 p.m. Enjoy DJ, snacks, lawn games, and more! New this year - bring a family-friendly book that your student would like to pass along, and pick up a new (to you) book! Bring your own picnic dinner or pre-order a pizza to be picked up at the event. Fliers and pizza ordering details will be in Friday folders and newsletter next week.
Minutes from the PTA meeting on May 15 are available here: 2023-24 PTA Meetings – Swansfield Elementary School PTA (
If you attended the Fun Run, we would love to know what you thought of this first time event:
We still have events left in the year, but the board would also like feedback on what you think of the events offered this year and any suggestions you have for next year. That survey can be found here: We would encourage ALL PTA members to take this survey, including the many faculty and staff members. We want to make sure we are meeting the needs of the entire community. If this survey does not capture all the feedback you would like to give, please feel free to email with additional thoughts.
Thank you to all of the volunteers and staff who supported SES FIeld Day on May 16! The PTA would like to extend special thanks to the Beth Viscarra Team for donating lunch and giveaways for our many volunteers!
Connect with Us:

5610 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044

