Swansfield News 4/12/24

Fri, 04/19/2024 - 12:35pm
Swansfield News 4.12.24

Good Afternoon Swansfield,

The 3rd quarter has come to an end with Thursday being the first day of the 4th quarter. We kicked off the week with the viewing of the solar eclipse. Students and staff loved the experience as all students and staff spent time outside viewing the eclipse. Thank you to our PTA for providing our students and staff with glasses. 

Our school team is collecting all of the solar eclipse glasses and we plan to donate them to a company based in Utah. The glasses will be sent to students in Latin America to view their solar eclipse in late August. Feel free to send in your glasses if you would like to donate them. We ask that glasses are sent in by Friday, April 26th. 

Have a great weekend! ~ Anthony J Esposito, Principal


Important Dates 

  • April 12th - Family Culture Night 
  • April 18th - Grade 5 Title I Family Night 
  • April 23rd - Q3 Awards K: 9:00 & Grade 5: 2:15
  • April 24th - Q3 Awards Grade 1: 9:00 & Grade 4: 2:15
  • April 25th - Q3 Awards Grade 2: 9:00 & Grade 3: 2:15
  • April 26th - Accountability Day
  • April 29th - Spring Picture Day


New Information

WLHS Community Night invitation May 2nd

The entire Wilde Lake community is invited to join WLHS for dinner and community circle (time to connect) on Thursday, May 2 with dinner from 5:00-5:30pm and community connection from 5:30-7:30pm. Childcare is available for preschool and elementary age children. Adults, high school students, and middle school students are invited to participate. Please RSVP at http://bit.ly/WLHSMay2 so we can be sure to have enough dinner for everyone!


5th Grade Family Night!

Can you believe it's almost time for our 5th graders to be promoted to middle schoolers? We have a great "Movin' On Up: ES --> MS" 5th Grade Family Night planned for you on Thursday, April 18th. So, clear your calendar and join us here!

Who?  All 5th grade families

What?  A family night focused on a smooth transition to middle school. Parents/Guardians will enjoy a presentation by a middle school administrator, while students engage in a Q&A session with a panel of current middle school students. All middle schools will be represented at our family night - Harper's Choice MS, Wilde Lake MS, and Clarksville MS!

When?  Thursday, April 18th @ 5:30-7:30 PM

Dinner will be served 5:30-6:00. Family night activities and child care will follow.

Where?  Swansfield ES

Please RSVP as soon as possible, so we can be sure to order enough food for all to enjoy.


Career Day is coming!

Do you have a job or career you’d like to talk about? Do you know someone with an interesting job or career? Swansfield is hosting our 2024 Career Day on Friday, April 26. We are looking for people in the community who would be willing to do an engaging and interactive presentation to a group of students about their job or career. Presentations are about 20 minutes, and you can select the grade you'd like to work with. Presenters can be parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends, neighbors, or anyone from the community who wants to share. View flyer here. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/hH9bTu5i3CVHxuJLA.


Lost and Found

Parents/Guardians there are several personal items that your students have left behind. You are welcome to sign in at the main office anytime and take a look in the cafe’ during school hours.  All lost and found items will be available in the main hallway during each Awards Day, please check the racks for your child's items. All unclaimed items will be donated April 30th.

Quarter 3 Awards 

Please join us in celebrating our amazing SES students! Parents are invited to an in-person (in the cafe) celebration. There is also a virtual option with Google Meet. See below for links.  







April 23rd


Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/rdt-tamf-rkq 

Grade 1

April 24th 


Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/otq-xmvv-mgy 

Grade 2

April 25th 


Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/kmg-ekoy-tih 

Grade 3

April 25th 


Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/gbi-obxn-fbm 

Grade 4

April 24th


Google Meetl link: https://meet.google.com/zyj-hikf-ikq 

Grade 5

April 23rd


Google Meet link:  https://meet.google.com/fdb-wjnj-itm 


Basketball Program


PTA News 

Important Dates 

  • April 12th - Family Culture Night 
  • April 19th - SES PTA Board Nominations Due
  • April 27th - Fun Run
  • April 28th - Last day to order a Yearbook




Join us at SES on Friday, April 12, 6 - 7:30 p.m. for an evening of cultural displays, performances, activities, snacks, and prizes! Light refreshments will be provided. Questions? Contact corresponding@swansfieldpta.org 



The first SES Fun Run will be held on Saturday, April 27 at 9 a.m. The P.E. department and PTA are hosting a morning full of activities, including the one-mile Fun Run course, to raise funds for SES Field Day equipment, P.E. equipment, and playground beautification. The event is open to those of all abilities (walkers and runners welcome) and is open to students, families and the community. Registration is only $5, and includes a (plastic) medal, light snacks, and activities. Register here: bit.ly/SESfunrun

Volunteers are needed - please sign up to help and be entered into a raffle to win a gift card! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080F4CACAB2DAB9-48711291-sesfun#/   Questions? Contact recording@swansfieldpta.org.




Yearbooks are on sale until April 28!  Place your order by visiting YBPay.com - YBPay.lifetouch.com  The Swansfield Yearbook ID code is 15120324. You will be prompted to enter the name and grade of your student.  Once the yearbook quantity is selected, you will have the option to participate in the Yearbook donation program which will help ensure that all graduating 5th graders get a Yearbook. If you have any questions, reach out to yearbook@swansfieldpta.org or membership@swansfieldpta.org.  



ALL SIX PTA board positions will be vacant at the end of this school year. Nominations for the next 2 year term are being accepted now! If you’re interested in serving on the SES PTA Executive Board, please complete this brief survey by April 19. 

Who is eligible?

  • Any member of the SES PTA (including staff, community members, grandparents, etc).

Which positions need to be filled?

  • President
  • VP for School Relations
  • VP for Membership and Community Relations
  • Treasurer
  • Corresponding Secretary 
  • Recording Secretary

Want to chat with an outgoing board member about their position?

  • Email: board@swansfieldpta.org 

Questions for the Nominating Committee?

  • Text/call the Nominating Committee Chair, Lizz Hammon at 301-466-3796

Connect with Us:


5610 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044



