Swansfield News 8.22.24

Tue, 09/10/2024 - 9:57am

Good Afternoon Swansfield,


On behalf of the entire staff we want to thank all of our families for attending our orientations and meet & greets today. The building was full of energy and we can’t wait for the students to join us on Monday morning. As we prepare for the return of students, I wanted to share a few reminders for all families:


  • Please review your Family File this weekend and make sure that all information is accurate. Directions on completing your Family File are below.


  • If there is a change to your child’s dismissal, please make sure this is done by 2:45pm. A phone call to the office is the requirement to ensure we get the message. 


  • If you plan to park near the pool and walk across the bridge to pick up your children each afternoon, they will be considered walkers. Therefore, you should meet them on the blacktop.


  • This school year the PTA and school will alternate weekly newsletters. Please consider joining the PTA as they do an amazing job of supporting all SES staff and students. 


I hope you have a relaxing and restful weekend and we look forward to opening our doors for the 24-25 school year on Monday.




Anthony J Esposito, Principal


 ~ Anthony J Esposito, Principal


Important Dates 

  • August 26th - First Day for Students! 

  • August 28th - Back to School Night Grades 1-5

  • August 29th - First Day for Pre K / RECC Students 

  • September 2nd - Off 

  • September 6th - Back to School Picnic 

  • September 11th- On Cycle Information Session

  • September 18th - 3 Hour Early Dismissal

  • September 11th - PTA Meeting 


New Information


Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of benefits including free or discounted college tuition, testing and application fees, academic and athletic program fees and many others in addition to free or discounted meals.

In addition, SES is a Title I school; this means we receive extra funds to support learning. PLEASE complete the FARMS application. We use these funds for additional staff, family programming, student activities and much more. Our Title I status is based on the percentage of families who qualify for FARMS. 

Families are urged to check their eligibility and complete a FARMs application as soon as possible. Families must submit a new application every school year. 

Details on the Free and Reduced Meals program, including a link to apply, are available online.

Please contact the front office if you have any questions or need assistance with applying for the Free and Reduced Meal Program.



Please visit HCPSS Connect to update your Family File for this school year. Parents must complete the Family File every year to ensure that we have the most current and accurate information for each and every student. 


Parents must complete the Family File every year to ensure that we have the most current and accurate information for each and every student. Parents/guardians will be asked to provide or update the following information:

  • Student Information 

  • Parent/Guardian Contact

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Please list multiple emergency contacts!

  • Medical Information

  • Arrival/Dismissal Procedures and Transportation Options

  • Photo Approval

  • Data Confidentiality

  • Student Creative Work Approval




Support Survey


Please take a minute to complete the SES support survey to let us know what programs you’d like to participate in, and what community resources you would like to learn more about. See attached flyer for more details. 


Please Complete the Following Transportation Form

2024 - 2025 Transportation Information: Transportation  


Information Worth Repeating


School Events for the Year: School Events for the Year


Title I Family Nights: Title I Family Nights 


PTA Year at a Glance: PTA Year at a Glance


Master Schedule: Lunch Times


RA Color Schedule: The elementary school-related arts calendar is now part of the HCPSS online calendar. Users can view the calendar online and subscribe to it (add it to their personal e-calendar). 


School Supply List: School Supply List


Carloop Procedures: Carloop Procedures


Swansfield School Based Supports: School Supports